Pediatric Services at Towson Pediatrics in Baltimore County

Towson Pediatrics has created a professional and caring medical environment for infants, children, adolescents, and their families. We provide complete pediatric and adolescent care, including support for asthma, evaluation, and treatment related to developmental and behavioral concerns, and adolescent medicine. Towson Pediatrics offers pediatric services near Parkville, Baltimore, Owings Mills, Pikesville, White Marsh, Perry Hall, and Reistertown.

sick child visits in baltimore, MD
Sick Child Visits

Sick Child Visits

Generally, children with the following symptoms should be seen in our office:

  • Fever in an infant less than 6 months
  • Fever for > 3 days (any age)
  • Persistent vomiting or diarrhea
  • Rashes
  • Persistent pain (stomach pain, headache, ear pain, or sore throat)
well-child visit in Baltimore, MD
Well Child Visits

Well Child Visits

We recommend regular well-child physicals from birth to young adulthood. These visits are an opportunity to build a long-term relationship of trust and mutual respect with you, your child, and your pediatric provider. Important components of these visits include:

  • A shared discussion of health habits including safety, nutrition, behavior, sleep, fitness/sports, school, peer interactions, and family life
  • Evaluation of your child’s growth (weight, height, and body mass percentiles)
  • Evaluation of your child’s development (physical, emotional, and behavioral)
  • Complete physical examination
  • Dental health assessments (fluoride application, as appropriate)
  • Monitoring chronic conditions (asthma, allergies, ADHD) and reviewing medications
  • Age-appropriate testing (hearing, vision, and laboratory tests)
  • Age-appropriate vaccinations
  • Completion of forms for daycare, school, camp, and sports participation
infant and toddler care in towson, MD
Infant and Toddler (birth - 2 years of age)

Infant and Toddler (birth - 2 years of age)

During the first 2 years of life, the visits are frequent because of the rapid changes in growth and development and the rapidly changing needs of the infant and toddler.

Dialogues often revolve around nutrition and introductions of solids and new foods. Concerns often arise around sleep habits and unexplained imitability. New behaviors of stranger anxiety and separation anxiety are discussed. Anticipating the new skills of a toddler is important to promote independence while providing a safe environment.

We vaccinate children according to an established schedule to provide optimal protection from diseases that could cause significant illnesses. We ask parents to complete a short pre-visit questionnaire(s) about their child’s development and ask them to share any concerns. This helps us formally evaluate their child’s developmental skills and identify any delays which might go undetected.

The infant and toddler visits occur at the following ages:

  • 3-4 days
  • 1-2 weeks
  • 1 month
  • 2 months
  • 4 months
  • 6 months
  • 9 months
  • 1 year
  • 15 months
  • 18 months
  • 2 years
  • 30 months

For a comprehensive parenting guide for babies and toddlers, we recommend the following links from “Ages and Stages” at

pre-school age medical care in baltimore
Preschool (3-5 years of age)

Preschool (3-5 years of age)

As children enter preschool, we see them annually to monitor their growth and developmental progress. Many preschoolers test the rules and routines. Their motor and verbal skills are advancing and they often get into everything. They are affectionate one moment and bossy the next. They are curious about the world around them, and it is so important to create safe environments for them to explore.

We are here to help sort out what behaviors are “normal” and what behaviors are concerning, it is critical to identify delays in development so that early intervention services can be mobilized.

All 4-year-olds need to have their physicals and vaccinations before entering kindergarten.

The preschool visits occur at the following ages

  • 3 years
  • 4 years
  • 5 years

For a comprehensive parenting guide for preschoolers, we recommend the following link from “Ages and Stages” at

pediatric care for grade school children in towson
Grade School (6-12 years of age)

Grade School (6-12 years of age)

Older school-age children are encouraged to come in every year for a comprehensive physical. All children mature at their own rate and it is important to screen for any delays in growth or development. School struggles due to underlying learning and/or attention issues become apparent and are important to identify so that children can get the academic and behavioral support to which they are entitled.

School-age children have a lot on their minds. They worry about being successful in school and sports and strive to fit in. Parents are trying to encourage healthy habits and there may be friction with the following of household rules. Their bodies are maturing and their sexuality is emerging. They strive for independence, yet need support from the family.

We ask older children to complete screening questionnaires to evaluate mood/behavioral concerns and screen for any habits that put their health at risk. We value the relationships that we develop with children and families over time because of the time we spend during these well-child visits.

As children turn 11 years old (6th or 7th grade), they are required to have a series of vaccinations.

For a comprehensive parenting guide for grade-schoolers, we recommend the following link from “Ages and Stages” at

pediatric care for teens and young adults in baltimore
Teen and Young Adult (13-21 years of age)

Teen and Young Adult (13-21 years of age)

Teens and young adults are encouraged to come in every year for a comprehensive physical. We ask teens and young adults to complete screening questionnaires to evaluate for mood/behavioral concerns and screen for substance abuse.

Teens appreciate the opportunity to meet alone with their providers and to hear that the information that they share will be held in confidence. Difficult discussions about mood and relationship struggles give teens a forum to share things on their minds.

Parents are encouraged to participate in the visit as well. We provide comprehensive adolescent contraception care (offering a wide variety of contraceptive methods, Including Nexplanon) and screen for sexually transmitted infections. We help teens and young adults advocate for job and academic accommodations that are secondary to cognitive, academic, and physical disabilities. Our providers appreciate the long-term relationship they have created with many of their adolescent and young adult patients.

The teen and young adult visits occur each year from 13 years to 21 years.

For comprehensive parenting guides for teens and young adults, we recommend the following links from “Ages and Stages” at

ADHD and School Struggles

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a very common neurobehavioral condition that affects approximately 10 percent of school-aged children. Symptoms of ADHD usually appear in early childhood and usually come to the attention of the family as the child enters school. It can be very upsetting to see your child struggle in school and their relationships with others, it is important to make an accurate diagnosis. Untreated ADHD can have long-standing consequences including school failure, family stress and disruption, depression and anxiety, accidental injuries, problems with relationships, substance use, and job failure.

Children often present with a combination of symptoms of inattention AND hyperactivity/impulsivity. Some children may present with only inattentive symptoms which may go unnoticed by teachers and parents.

Children should have six or more symptoms listed below for the inattentive type of ADHD, and 12 or more symptoms listed below for the combined type of ADHD to confirm the diagnosis.

Tools and Resources

  • CHADD (Children and Adults with ADHD) is an excellent resource for families affected by ADHD. There is a wealth of information online to help you learn more about ADHD and to help you advocate for your child in school.

Visit CHADD and the ADHD Checklists (Vanderbilt forms for Teachers and Parents)

Other Services

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602 S Atwood Rd, Bel Air, MD 21014

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